Jason Kenney Calls Journalist and Calgary Mayoral Candidate "Nutbar", Applauds COVID-19 Crackdown

The best way to control your opposition is to destroy them, Premier Jason Kenney applauded Calgary Police arresting and charging the Calgary Mayoral candidate after officials say he was in violation of a court injunction requested by Alberta Health Services.  

A few hours after Kevin J. Johnston's arrest, Kenney's staff wrote on Twitter and Facebook that he was happy to see steps had been taken against the Calgary mayoral candidate, who he referred to as a "nutbar.";  Happy to see Johnston's mayoral bid was being inferred with, to deny him the fair chance to campaign in a free and open democracy.  The defamatory post was not extended to Kenney's professional audience on Linkedin.  

Locking up Kevin J. Johnston for defying the COVID-19 lockdown measures, name and shaming Alberta Health Services employee Sarah Nunn, who he famously gave the moniker "Drunk AHS Slut", was nothing more than showmanship.  Anyone could have accessed publicly available pictures of Sarah Nunn in lurid poses, getting drunk.  Publishing a name, address and telephone number of staff engaged in alleged criminal activity is not illegal once part of a public court record that anyone can get access.  In fact, Sarah Nunn's own trade publication for the professional association she is attached to shows Nunn in several revealing pictures, appearing to be drunk at a social gathering, and appeared in a Global News Calgary report about a restaurant inspection, all the while slurring her words, barely able to form the sentence she was making. 

And harassing a church, and Pastor is not illegal, while shopping without a mask is "making a disturbance".  Kevin J. Johnston always said these mask and jab fines will all go away, and if last week's ruling in favour of Pastor Artur Pawlowski is any indicator, Kevin J. Johnston's troubles are about to go away and the chances of a criminal conviction for violating section 176 of the Criminal Code of Canada is quickly becoming a reality for Drunk Slut Sarah Nunn.  

If Calgary was a third world country, Kevin J. Johnston would be six feet under by now.  That's how they take care of their political opponents elsewhere.  

Kevin J. Johnston illegally arrested after campaigning at a freedom rally in downtown Calgary


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