Sarah Nunn should be fired from her job with Alberta Health Services, commonly known as Drunk AHS Slut by many Albertans. Nunn is the overzealous AHS employee that interrupted a solemn service on a now infamous Saturday afternoon. Calgary Police were using their helicopters to manage the unrest at the Calgary Street Church Pastor Artur Pavlovski holds services, which were really just some law abiding God fearing church folks wanting to watch Calgary Police bust heads and pepper spray what would be considered otherwise as a group of law abiding citizens.
The virus China thrust upon the world, in what is largely thought to be a Chinese military lab leak that implicated the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organziation (WHO), for the cover-up was an excuse for violent state tyranny worldwide and is still on-going throughout the world. Assembling for a church service, not wearing a mask or taking what is now considered mostly unnecessary, a dangerous and experimental vaccine was thrust on the world and made us all illegal for refusing it.
It is a criminal offence to interrupt a church service in Canada. It is a criminal offence to harass a pastor on the way to or from a church service.
Sarah Nunn is in a world of trouble for doing what she did that day. No Sarah Nunn can not say she was following orders, or claim not to know the law. It has always been said that ignorance is no excuse for committing a crime.
Sarah Nunn should be be charged under section 176 of the Criminal Code of Canada, along with the Calgary Police Service officers in attendance at church, or involved in the roadside arrest of a pastor in the middle of a six lane Calgary city highway in the rain, on the way back from church service. Brought to his knees in the rain, with guns drawn and hauled away until next time. Lather rinse repeat.
Calgary Police never had the right to harass and unendlessly prosecute Pastor Artur or his family and congregants. Calgary Police never had the right to house the pastor at a remand centre for two months, mostly in solitary confinement for feeding the poor or holding church service. It was a campaign of harassment, assaults, kidnapping and forceable confinement. In normal times, no crown attorney would choose to prosecute a priest or pastor for holding a church service.
The ruling today by the Court of Appeals of Alberta, in Calgary sets aside the convictions lower courts imposed on brothers Artur and Dawid Pawlowski, while Whistle Stop Cafe owner Chris Scott also saw his fines reduced in a separate case found in contempt of an injunction that was not made against them specifically. It also opens the door to seeing Kevin J. Johnston's prosecutions, and many other people in that province overturned.
This should worry all involved, at the Alberta Health Services where the low level "Drunk AHS Slut" Sarah Nunn, who was made famous by Kevin J. Johnston for by exposing and drawing out her recidivism from that day.
Calgary Police who should also know the criminal code, should have known better. Calgary Police Service officers that day blindly followed their orders because of the instructions their masters gave them. The high rate of pay and benefits, including the gold plated pensions civil servants have expected with Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) are the only driver for inflicting and abusing their power on and at the hands of peaceful law abiding citizens. I'm just following orders doesn't cut it. Canada is not Nazi Germany. Some of us have not given up our arms.
This goes right up to Jason Kenney, the cowardly Premier of Alberta that calls people nut cases for calling out right wing conspiracy theories about the government that have largely proven as true, and have been totalitarian in nature. COVID jails were once that, and later revealed as true when hotels suddenly went unavailable for bookings last year. What does Jason Kenney have to hide by pursuing this agenda? We know he's a Jesuit, a closeted homosexual Roman Catholic. We already, long ago figured out Kenney was part of the CPC big pink tent; but all this alternative lifestyle talk should not matter, and is a distraction from the tyranny imposed on Albertans.
What matters is the fear the Alberta government operated under, ruined lives of Albertans with unending lockdowns, small business closures, Zoom schooling, mask mandates, and questionable flu vaccines that were mandatory and enforced in a the fashion George Orwell described what a modern totalitarian state could be, in his infamous "1984" book that came true for many Albertans.
Good luck getting a mask or vaccine exemption because there were none, only jackboots. The lockdown cycle will never end, it will only get worse if we live in fear and not protest unreasonable, unconstitutional laws and orders.
This ruling indirectly vindicates Kevin J. Johnston a former Calgary mayoral candidate and journalist, who received similar punishments for exposing Sarah Nunn, AHS employee as a criminal that day. These things Pavlovski, Scott, and Johnston were arrested for were every day tasks we have taken for granted, until now. Attending a political rally became illegal last summer, Nahid Nenshi and Jason Kenney made sure to interfere in a free and open Calgary city council election by instructing Calgary Police Service to arrest Kevin J. Johnston at a weekly protest rally in downtown Calgary last year where he was simply campaigning at, and in Edmonton for not wearing a mask and causing "a disturbance" at a Calgary mall earlier that month.
This was all in the name of going against the COVID-19 narrative. These people needed to be silenced in to submission at all cost. They all went against the new world order. Since when did we have obligations as Canadians to an unelected government.
Here's the Criminal Code of Canada for you to read about the subject of interrupting a church service. Sarah Nunn should hire counsel. Calgary Police should be investigated by an outside police force for criminal referrals.
Marginal note:Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman
176(1) Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who
(a) by threats or force, unlawfully obstructs or prevents or endeavours to obstruct or prevent an officiant from celebrating a religious or spiritual service or performing any other function in connection with their calling, or
(b) knowing that an officiant is about to perform, is on their way to perform or is returning from the performance of any of the duties or functions mentioned in paragraph (a)
(i) assaults or offers any violence to them, or
(ii) arrests them on a civil process, or under the pretence of executing a civil process.
Marginal note:Disturbing religious worship or certain meetings
(2) Every one who wilfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Marginal note:Idem
(3) Every one who, at or near a meeting referred to in subsection (2), wilfully does anything that disturbs the order or solemnity of the meeting is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Whoever made this website needs to have the cops called on them. This stalker behaviour and abusive language is deranged. You’re a sick, sick person and need therapy. If you honestly think you have a foot to stand on here, you are too far gone.
Yeah call the cops on me, it's a civil matter not a criminal one. You can't use the police in this way, you will find out when they hang up on you or start to bully you at home. Everything is true, and what is found is protected speech and is constitutional.
Premier Jason Kenney violated the province’s COVID-19 restrictions with a patio dinner at Skypalace, high atop the Federal Building in Edmonton, Alberta Health Services were persecuting Christian Pastors and journalists, directing the government to go after anyone that spoke out against the COVID-19 narrative. Premier Kenney was so incensed, his legal counsel sent a cease and desist letter to conservative publication The Western Standard, claiming the article it published was false and defamatory, and a fabrication. The photos speak otherwise, while Albertans were "sheltering in place", and small businesses were shuttered under some of the longest lockdowns in North America. Jason Kenney dines at the Skypalace in Edmonton during COVID-19 lockdown policies
Lawsuit seeks to recognize Alberta Health Services as Vexatious Litigant, along with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta. I imagine all the progressives heads involved in the rot within the embattled Alberta Government agency have exploded over this lawsuit. Alberta Health Services and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta are fully compliant with WEF, WHO, CDC, Pfizer, Trudeau, and all of the other members and organizations within the global communist cabal. If my name was Sarah Nunn, or Dr. Verna Yiu I would be worried. If my name was Kevin J. Johnston, or Pastor Art or Dawid Pawlowski, or others, I would be encouraged by this lawsuit.
Whoever made this website needs to have the cops called on them. This stalker behaviour and abusive language is deranged. You’re a sick, sick person and need therapy. If you honestly think you have a foot to stand on here, you are too far gone.
ReplyDeleteYeah call the cops on me, it's a civil matter not a criminal one. You can't use the police in this way, you will find out when they hang up on you or start to bully you at home. Everything is true, and what is found is protected speech and is constitutional.